Russia Google Maps & Wiki

Russia Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Russia (ISO: RU) and the capital city, Moscow. This page enables you to explore Russia and its land boundaries in total: 22,408 km. You may also view the border countries of Russia (total: 14, Azerbaijan 338 km, Belarus 1,312 km, China (southeast) 4,133 km, China (south) 46 km, Estonia 324 km, Finland 1,309 km, Georgia 894 km, Kazakhstan 7,644 km, North Korea 18 km, Latvia 332 km, Lithuania (Kaliningrad Oblast) 261 km, Mongolia 3,452 km, Norway 191 km, Poland (Kaliningrad Oblast) 210 km, Ukraine 1,944 km with its area of total: 17,098,242 sq km; land: 16,377,742 sq km, water: 720,500 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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