Bing Maps

Bing Maps is free a web mapping service provided as a part of Microsoft’s Bing suite of search engines with the following, very popular services: Street maps, Road view, Aerial view, Bird’s-eye view, Streetside view, etc.

The search box tool at the top of Bing Maps can be used to find places, businesses easily, and landmarks to show on the maps. Search results on Bing Maps appear both on a left-side rail and also as pushpins right on the map to show their exact location(s).

Search queries on Bing Maps often include addresses, business contact information, and reviews for businesses and landmarks collected by Microsoft, and it’s users community. For relevant searches, the user will also automatically see a description of the landmark or place if a relevant Wikipedia article exists. The search process can also be guided using local directories for numerous categories (like restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions, retail stores, etc.).

Other free maps you may be interested: Bing Driving Directions, , Google Driving Directions.

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The extras of Bing Maps

Users of Bing Maps can browse and search topographically-shaded street maps for a huge amount of cities worldwide. Bing Maps also include certain points of interest, such as underground stations, stadiums, hospitals, and other facilities. Also, a very popular and useful service for the users to show public user-created points of interest.

Currently, these five street map views are available on Bing Maps: Road View (default map view, displays vector imagery of roads, buildings, and geography), Aerial View (overlays satellite imagery onto the Bing Map and highlights roads, major landmarks for easy identification amongst the satellite images). Bird’s Eye View (displays aerial imagery captured from low-flying aircraft), StreetSide View (provides 360-degree imagery of street-level scenes), and 3D View (allows users to see the environment (e.g., buildings) in 3D). Read more about Bing Maps here on Wikipedia.

Updates of Bing Maps

Bing maps update released on roughly a monthly basis. However, the necessary timelapse before images are updated means that aerial and Bird’s-Eye images for a particular location can sometimes be several years out-of-date. This is usually noticeable in those worldwide locations that have undergone rapid recent development or experienced for example natural disasters recently, since its last image-update.