Albania Google Maps & Wiki

Albania map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Albania (ISO: AL) and the capital city, Tirana. This page enables you to explore Albania and its land boundaries in total: 691 km. You may also view the border countries of Albania (total: 4, Greece 212 km, Kosovo 112 km, Macedonia 181 km, Montenegro 186 km with its area of total: 28,748 sq km; land: 27,398 sq km, water: 1,350 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Andorra Google Maps & Wiki

Andorra map

Google Maps, detailed facts about Andorra (ISO: AD) and the capital city, Andorra la Vella. This page enables you to explore Andorra and its land boundaries in total: 118 km. You may also view the border countries of Andorra (total: 2, France 55 km, Spain 63 km with its area of total: 468 sq km; land: 468 sq km, water: 0 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Austria Google Maps & Wiki

Austria Map

Google Maps, detailed facts about Austria (ISO: AT) and the capital city, Vienna. This page enables you to explore Austria and its land boundaries in total: 2,524 km. You may also view the border countries of Austria (total: 8, Czech Republic 402 km, Germany 801 km, Hungary 321 km, Italy 404 km, Liechtenstein 34 km, Slovakia 105 km, Slovenia 299 km, Switzerland 158 km with its area of total: 83,871 sq km; land: 82,445 sq km, water: 1,426 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Belarus Google Maps & Wiki

Belarus Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Belarus (ISO: BO) and the capital city, Minsk. This page enables you to explore Belarus and its land boundaries in total: 3,642 km. You may also view the border countries of Belarus (total: 5, Latvia 161 km, Lithuania 640 km, Poland 418 km, Russia 1,312 km, Ukraine 1,111 km with its area of total: 207,600 sq km; land: 202,900 sq km, water: 4,700 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Belgium Google Maps & Wiki

Belgium Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Belgium (ISO: BE) and the capital city, Brussels. This page enables you to explore Belgium and its land boundaries in total: 1,297 km. You may also view the border countries of Belgium (total: 4, France 556 km, Germany 133 km, Luxembourg 130 km, Netherlands 478 km with its area of total: 30,528 sq km; land: 30,278 sq km, water: 250 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina Google Maps & Wiki

Bosnia and Herzegovina Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ISO: BA) and the capital city, Sarajevo. This page enables you to explore Bosnia and Herzegovina and its land boundaries in total: 1,543 km. You may also view the border countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina (total: 3, Croatia 956 km, Montenegro 242 km, Serbia 345 km with its area of total: 51,197 sq km; land: 51,187 sq km, water: 10 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Bulgaria Google Maps & Wiki

Bulgaria Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Bulgaria (ISO: BU) and the capital city, Sofia. This page enables you to explore Bulgaria and its land boundaries in total: 1,806 km. You may also view the border countries of Bulgaria (total: 5, Greece 472 km, Macedonia 162 km, Romania 605 km, Serbia 344 km, Turkey 223 km with its area of total: 110,879 sq km; land: 108,489 sq km, water: 2,390 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Croatia Google Maps & Wiki

Croatia Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Croatia (ISO: HR) and the capital city, Zagreb. This page enables you to explore Croatia and its land boundaries in total: 2,237 km. You may also view the border countries of Croatia (total: 5, Bosnia and Herzegovina 956 km, Hungary 348 km, Montenegro 19 km, Serbia 314 km, Slovenia 600 km with its area of total: 56,594 sq km; land: 55,974 sq km, water: 620 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Czechia Google Maps & Wiki

Czechia Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Czechia (ISO: CZ) and the capital city, Prague. This page enables you to explore Czechia and its land boundaries in total: 2,143 km. You may also view the border countries of Czechia (total: 4, Austria 402 km, Germany 704 km, Poland 796 km, Slovakia 241 km with its area of total: 78,867 sq km; land: 77,247 sq km, water: 1,620 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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Denmark Google Maps & Wiki

Denmark Map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Denmark (ISO: DK) and the capital city, Copenhagen. This page enables you to explore Denmark and its land boundaries in total: 140 km. You may also view the border countries of Denmark (total: 1, Germany 140 km with its area of total: 43,094 sq km; land: 42,434 sq km, water: 660 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

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