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Armenia Google Maps & Wiki

Armenia map

Google Maps, detailed facts of Armenia (ISO: AM) and the capital city, Yerevan. This page enables you to explore Armenia and its land boundaries in total: 1,570 km. You may also view the border countries of Armenia (total: 4, Azerbaijan 996 km, Georgia 219 km, Iran 44 km, Turkey 311 km with its area of total: 29,743 sq km; land: 28,203 sq km, water: 1,540 sq km through detailed Satellite imagery – fast and easy as never before – with Google Maps.

Find comprehensive geographical, economic, environmental, governmental, cultural, scientific, historical, and demographical related information below on the wiki page of Armenia.

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Your virtual Sightseeing in Armenia, Asia starts here on this map & Wiki page.

Armenia Google Maps & Facts

This virtual map shows Armenia, located in Southwestern Asia, between Turkey (to the west) and Azerbaijan; note – Armenia views itself as part of Europe; geopolitically, it can be classified as falling within Europe, the Middle East, or both, with its cities, towns, highways, main roads, streets, Street Views, and terrain maps regularly updated by Google.

You are viewing Armenia and its location (Asia) at the geographic coordinates of 40 00 N, 45 00 E, inland counties boundaries and international borders.

Hint: Have a look at the street view in Armenia in the morning. All you have to do is drag and pull the little yellow man (Pegman) on the Google map above the desired location in Armenia. After that, whenever it is available (currently more than 50 countries provided by Google worldwide), blue stripes will appear to show the photos and details from Google’s regularly updated database.

The map of Armenia, Asia is free but for informational use only. No representation or warranty has been made regarding any map or content by Search Driving Directions.com. The user assumes all the risks of using this Armenia Google map and fast facts/wiki page.

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Geographical facts about Armenia including Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia

Name of the country: Armenia Capital city: Yerevan
Geographical coordinates of Armenia: 40 00 N, 45 00 E Geographical coordinates of Yerevan: 40 10 N 44 30 E
Location of Armenia: Southwestern Asia, between Turkey (to the west) and Azerbaijan; note – Armenia views itself as part of Europe; geopolitically, it can be classified as falling within Europe, the Middle East, or both Continent / area: Asia
The area of Armenia: total: 29,743 sq km; land: 28,203 sq km, water: 1,540 sq km Area comparative of Armenia: slightly smaller than Maryland
The elevation data of Armenia: mean elevation: 1,792 m, elevation extremes; lowest point: Debed River 400 m, highest point: Aragats Lerrnagagat’ 4,090 m The climate of Armenia: highland continental, hot summers, cold winters
Land use of Armenia: agricultural land: 59.7%; arable land 15.8%; permanent crops 1.9%; permanent pasture 42%; forest: 9.1%; other: 31.2% (2011 estimate) Irrigated land: 2,740 sq km (2012)
Geographical notes of Armenia: landlocked in the Lesser Caucasus Mountains; Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan) is the largest lake in this mountain range The terrain of Armenia: Armenian Highland with mountains; little forest land; fast flowing rivers; good soil in Aras River valley
Land boundaries of Armenia: total: 1,570 km Borders countries of Armenia: Azerbaijan 996 km, Georgia 219 km, Iran 44 km, Turkey 311 km
Maritime claims of Armenia: none – (landlocked country)

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Fast Facts about Armenia

Are you traveling to Armenia? When you are on the way to explore foreign countries in Asia, it is always good to be aware of the nature of that specific nation and the surroundings, in this case, Southwestern Asia, between Turkey (to the west) and Azerbaijan; note – Armenia views itself as part of Europe; geopolitically, it can be classified as falling within Europe, the Middle East, or both.

Did you know that Armenia’s legal system is civil law?

When you are traveling around or looking for accommodation in Armenia, you would better know that (the lengths of roadways total 7,792 km (2013)), and the most crowded area in this country is YEREVAN (capital) 1,044 (2015). The urbanization rate in this country looks like the following: urban population: 62.7% of the total population (2015).

The total population in Armenia is 3,051,250 (July 2016 estimate), with a population growth rate of -0.18% (2016 estimate), and the most widely spoken language(s) are Armenian (official language) 97.9%, Kurdish (spoken by the Yezidi minority) 1%, other 1% (2011 estimate). These days, Armenia has to face a net migration rate of -5.7 migrant(s) / 1,000 population (2016 estimate).

You may find the following ethnic groups in Armenia nowadays: Armenian 98.1%, Yezidi (Kurd) 1.1%, and other 0.7% (2011 estimate).

The right to vote in Armenia can be exercised by the population from the age of 18 years of age, universal, and the following ways can earn citizenship: citizenship by birth: no. Citizenship by descent only: at least one parent must be a citizen of Armenia. Dual citizenship is recognized: yes, and the residency requirement for naturalization is 3 years.

In case you plan to visit Armenia for shopping or business purposes, it is good to know that the national holiday(s) in Armenia is: Independence Day, 21 September (1991).

Whether you are traveling for business or not, never forget that sometimes there are several risks/hazards on your way. In the case of Armenia, these are the most likely dangers you might face: occasionally severe earthquakes and droughts. What do you think? Are you prepared enough to visit Yerevan and/or Armenia?

Living with the given conditions, affected by all the civilization and natural harms in Armenia, the population has to face a death rate of 9.4 deaths / 1,000 population (2016 estimate).

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Travel references about Armenia

To make your travel experience better, you may do it better to understand at least one of the most widely spoken languages in Armenia. Here, they are Armenian (official language) at 97.9%, Kurdish (spoken by the Yezidi minority) at 1%, and others at 1% (2011 estimate).

For your local internet searches, use the following TLD: .am

Do not be surprised, when visiting this country, its climate typically is like this; highland continental, hot summers, cold winters.

Its capital city is Yerevan, where the local time zone is UTC+4, which is 9 hours ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time. Note that the timezone in Yerevan is N/A.

For nature lovers, we do note the following elevation data regarding Armenia: mean elevation: 1,792 m, elevation extremes; lowest point: Debed River 400 m, highest point: Aragats Lerrnagagat’ 4,090 m. The length of its total coastline is 0 km (landlocked country), and the length of the land boundaries is a total of 1,570 km.

Current environmental issues in Armenia: soil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant despite its location in a seismically active zone.

And again – in case if you missed it-, those natural hazards, that are threatening your journey: occasionally severe earthquakes; droughts.

For your traveling options, there are 11 (2013) airports and N/A heliports in Armenia, together with N/A waterways and roadways in total: 7,792 km (2013).

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Background of Armenia

Like every nation, Armenia also has its historical background and has shaped its social, cultural, political, and geographical characteristics; Armenia prides itself on being the first nation to adopt Christianity (early 4th century) formally. Despite periods of autonomy, over the centuries, Armenia came under the sway of various empires, including the Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Persian, and Ottoman. During World War I in the western portion of Armenia, the Ottoman Empire instituted a policy of forced resettlement coupled with other harsh practices that resulted in at least 1 million Armenian deaths. The Ottomans ceded the eastern area of Armenia to Russia in 1828; this portion declared its independence in 1918 but was conquered by the Soviet Red Army in 1920.

Armenian leaders remain preoccupied with the long conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, a primarily Armenian-populated region, assigned to Soviet Azerbaijan in the 1920s by Moscow. Armenia and Azerbaijan began fighting over the area in 1988; the struggle escalated after both countries attained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. By May 1994, when a cease-fire took hold, ethnic Armenian forces held not only Nagorno-Karabakh but also seven surrounding regions, approximately 14 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory. The economies of both sides have been hurt by their inability to make substantial progress toward a peaceful resolution. Turkey closed the common border with Armenia in 1993 in support of Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia over control of Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas, further hampering Armenian economic growth. In 2009, senior Armenian leaders began pursuing rapprochement with Turkey, aiming to secure an opening of the border. Still, Turkey has not yet ratified the Protocols to normalize relations between the two countries. In January 2015, Armenia joined Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan as a member of the Eurasian Economic Union. Source: CIA, The World Factbook.

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