Google Maps

Google Maps™ is a free desktop/mobile web mapping service developed by Google™. Looking for directions services? Get FREE Driving Directions between any point shown on Google Maps™ and follow the turn-by-turn directions that will be displayed near the interactive map.

Google Maps

About Google Maps

Google Maps offers dynamic satellite imagery (high-resolution imagery of cities mostly taken from satellites), street maps, panoramic views of streets (called Street View service: provides 360° panoramic street-level views of various locations), real-time traffic conditions (called Google Traffic: traffic data in real-time, using 4 colored lines on the map as an overlay to display the speed of vehicles on particular roads), and route planning (called Google Driving Directions in the US.) for traveling by walk, car, bicycle, or public transportation.

Google Maps satellite view is a “top-down” or “bird eye” view; most of the high-resolution imagery of cities is aerial photography taken from aircraft flying at 800 to 1,500 feet (240 to 460 m), while most other imagery is from satellites and is updated regularly.

Other free maps you may be interested in are Bing Maps, Bing Driving Directions, and Google Driving Directions.