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Bing Driving, Walking and Transit Directions

Bing Maps is free a web mapping service provided as a part of Microsoft's Bing suite of search engines with the following, very popular services: Street maps, Road view, Aerial view, Bird’s-eye view, Streetside and driving directions.

Users of Bing Maps can get (driving and another kind of) directions between two or more locations because, several years ago Microsoft added public transit directions (by bus, subway, and local rail) to Bing Maps near to it's already available driving directions option.

Bing Maps with its driving directions service also shows to its user traffic information for major highways and roads in real time. The feature uses 4 color codes (black, red, yellow, green) to indicate current traffic volume, from heaviest traffic to moderate and light traffic. Read more about Bing Maps here on Wikipedia.

Other free maps you may be interested: Bing Maps, Google maps, Google Driving Directions.